Monday, June 16, 2008

Omer Reed, NM dentistry & Minimal Preps...A NEW PARADIGM!

One of the intriguing presentations for me this past weekend at the ACE 2008 North American Conference on No Prep Veneers was Dr. Omer Reed showing how the "minimal prep" mentality and the NM philosophy can be blended for great results.

In the past, NM docs have been criticized for destroying fact, some of the presenters at the conference showed some cases that they felt were "over-treated", however Omer put that to bed with his blending of minimally invasive dentistry and NM positioning for patient comfort. Omer is using the Myomonitor/Tens to help determine correct jaw relation in difficult restorative cases.

Omer is the most progressive thinking person that I've ever met and he continues to amaze me! Must be something to do with his Icelandish heritage...They have to be creative!

Omer is also the only guy I know who could put up a slide of an insect on the screen and still be one of the most captivating dental speakers you will ever hear. This is a HUGE compliment because other's use slides to showcase their talent. Omer is able to articulate his ideas clearly, and make them seem like something we all have been doing all along.

I hope that someday I can get close to being able to communicate like him!

Thanks Omer!

Dr. Mike Maroon
Founder & Fellow Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics

ACE 2008 Symposium on Esthetic Dentistry ~ Nov 5-8, 2008 ~ Hyatt Regency Coconut Point Resort & Spa ~ Bonita Springs, FL

Learn more about upcoming events at or call 800.701.6223


Dr. Bill Williams said...

It was inspirational to read and study the words from Omer and his Napili workshops back in the early 1980's. It was fortuitous to be in the early Omer-inspired Quest Management Programs of 1982-83. It was life-changing to sit at the foot of the master in Phoenix during the halcion days of Pentegra in the late 1980's. We were tracking along with neuromuscular dentistry at that same time, creating a reconstruction and TMJ protocol in the Atlanta Craniomandibular Society that has become the state-of-the-art way to approach many cases (thank God that LVI took on the mantle of teaching this valuable technique as our Framework Seminars, Myotronics, USDI, Tennessee Cranio, BioResearch, and the ACS took a back seat to Bill and his gang.)All things come full circle. What was now is, what is will be more so. Just today, I am lecturing to a group of businessmen around the world and my topic is "If you must speak, ask questions!" We all, here, know where that came from...thanks Omer.

Dr. Bill Williams said...

Hey guys, while I'm on the subject of dentistry, let me give you a tour of my new place-its Southwestern / Phoenix AZ / Sundance, CO / Jackson Hole, WY inspired: