ACE is pleased to present our latest Member Benefit from Live Dental Chat.
Here's a message from Nora Sneberger who is involved with Live Dental Chat.
Hello ACE Members:
I know many of you through my husband, Dr. Gary Radz. I have worked with websites, SEO, internet marketing and social media for years. I understand how to help websites produce results for my clients, yet even with great visitor traffic to a website, not all the visitors convert to patients. As I was looking at Gary’s website and his traffic, I was trying to figure out how to help potential patients stay on the website and convert as new patients to the practice. I really feel like I found the solution that is producing great results.
I recently partnered with a great company, Chat Taxi, and developed a specific line for the dental industry, Live Dental Chat ( Live Dental Chat is a live chat staffing service for the dental market that is designed to increase your new patient opportunities through your existing website. How many people visit your website each month? Do you attract the same number in new patients? As you are reading this, there are potential patients browsing your website and looking into your services. That is the good news. The bad news is that statistically 97% of people will exit your website if their questions are not answered quickly and easily.
Live Dental Chat reduces abandoned website opportunities in 3 ways:
1. Engage your current and prospective patients with a live, knowledgeable US based chat agent trained in sales and the dental industry specifically
2. Capture patient data online while answering basic questions
3. Funnel this data instantly to your front office support staff so they can call and schedule an appointment OR
4. Capture patient data and insert appointments for you, if you have web-based appointment software.(optional)
How Live Dental Chat impacts your dental practice:
1. Maximizes website conversion potential
2. Does not increase dental office support staff
3. Circumvents email and phone wait times
4. Provides a full-time service for much less than a part-time employee
5. Increases new patients and practice revenue
Patient Benefits:
1. Increases their online satisfaction and customer service experience
2. Humanizes their web browsing experience
3. Promotes loyalty to the dentist and their practice
Before Gary would let me offer this to his friends, we beta tested Live Dental Chat on his website. Gary had great success immediately. To ensure there was no bias in his evaluation, Gary suggested that we have Dr. Marvin Berlin and Dr. Tony Soileau test Live Dental Chat on their websites. Again we saw impressive results. At this point we feel the product works so well that we can help all of you get more patients and revenue into your offices. To give you a better idea of how the agents handle the chats, I attached a copy of an actual “chat” that occurred the recently.
ACE Member Special:
· One time $350 implementation fee
· $349 monthly fee for Live Dental Chat ($50 off the standard $399 fee)
· Three (3) month minimum contract
· Monday thru Friday 8am – 4pm
Ø COMING APRIL 1ST, 2011 – For those who have Web Based Appointment Software, Live Dental Chat taking a live chat then entering the appointment information for you. Details coming soon!
Please call or email me with any questions. You can also visit our website at to sign –up online (please enter marketing code LDC943 for your special pricing.)
Nora E. Sneberger, VP Client Development
Live Dental Chat, A Division of Chat Taxi LLC
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