Friday, April 8, 2011

Rita Zamora – Where is Your Facebook Page Headed?

Rita Zamora spoke at our recent ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry. She writes an excellent blog on relationship marketing for dental practices. Please check it out and add it to your favorite sites. Rita understands how to "connect" with people on a personal level and her presentation style allows your team to instantly understand how to create happy, paying, referring patients!

Thanks Rita!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thank you Jackie Hopkins!

I wanted to give a shout out and say "Thank you" to Jackie Hopkins for her efforts over the past several months in coordinating this past weekend's ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry. Jackie does a lot of work everyday in helping ACE become a better organization and she really cares about our group!

So, thanks Jackie...we couldn't have done it without you! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Manhattan dentist sent 31 pounds of pot, worth $50K, in the mail

Manhattan dentist sent 31 pounds of pot, worth $50K, in the mail

Manhattan dentist got a mystery UPS package Friday from a real dope - it was filled with 31 pounds of very pungent pot.

Dr. Richard Lyons couldn't believe his nose when he opened the box that was delivered to his Chinatown office.
"From my 70's days, when I saw the green and smelled it, I knew it was marijuana," said Lyons, whose graying ponytail could qualify him for a bit role in a Cheech and Chong movie.
Lyons, 61, said he had no idea how the pot - worth up to $50,000 on the street - wound up at his place, but he immediately called the cops.
"I was shocked - shocked! And annoyed," he said. "Even if I got an ounce of marijuana, I would have notified the police.
"It's not legal. I didn't buy it!"

Lyons said the pot was wrapped in a black plastic bag "with a bunch of baby wipes on top" that had been placed inside a plastic bin and then the box.
It arrived at his office at 10:30 a.m. and was signed for by an assistant. When he got in about 3 p.m., he opened the box to discover the tightly packed fresh-plucked buds.
He said called police, but when they hadn't arrived after an hour, he got nervous that the intended recipient might show up to collect the weed - and called the press.
When cops arrived at the office on Worth and Mott Sts. - where a large red canopy advertises "Dr. Toothy's Dental World" - they had to borrow blue dental masks because the fumes gave them a headache.
The box had a return address for a Gwendaline Lyons in Katy, Texas. No listing could be found for the person.
A UPS spokeswoman said the express delivery service would open an investigation in the matter and contact the NYPD.
Anyone wishing to claim the package can contact the 5th Precinct detective squad at (212) 334-0742.
With Jefferson Siegel

Read more:

Friday, April 1, 2011

10 Great Ideas to EXPLODE Your Practice from The Madow Brothers!

10 Great Ideas to Explode your Practice from the Madow Brothers. For more information on their 2-day Social Media program visit

1. Use the Flip Video

  • pt. testimonials
  • clinical demontstration
  • pt. relations - Happy Birthday!
  • team member miss a meeting
  • what was that thing I saw at the convention
  • Great social media use - dental health tip

2. List to the Marketing Geniuses - McDonalds/Walmart & other major companies know more than you do about marketing
3. Add a Shade Guide to your Exam - take a base shade on all your patients
4. Don't use Bad Language - speak in terms the pt. can understand
5. Never run late! - do your hygiene checks whenever dr. has free time
6. Perform cosmetic procedures on your team members and have them brag about you
7. Stay in close touch with your patients in-between appts.
8. Create an "invisible sign" for your practice. FREE WiFi with SSID name of practice & phone # for practice.
9. Incorporate this "marketing machine" into your practice. Create "testimonials" for businesses in your community by autographing photos of yourself for local businesses and having them framed for the business to hang in their businesses.
10. Establish a mastermind group! Brainstorm ideas among like-minded docs.

Dr. Frank Incaprera's message from ACE Tampa 2011

Dr. Frank Incaprera of Texas has a message for those who missed the ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry! Check it out!

Fred Joyal...are YOU smarter than a 5th grader?

Great job Fred! Too bad you weren't smarter than the 5th graders! :)

Dr. Peter Boulden & Jeff Kopeck giving a great presentation at ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry!

Dr. Peter Boulden & Jeff Kopeck just walked everyone through creating a FB campaign a few minutes ago. They showed how to think through your campaign and plan it out before starting it on FB and the Goals/Objectives/Tactics needed to get your campaign virally noticed! Great stuff at ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing!

Jim Higgins speaking at ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry!

Jim Higgins of Smile Reminder is on now and just shared a lot of information about the new Google +1 feature and how it relates to your practice website. He's also showing how FB can be a great way to stay connected with your existing pts and market to new pts.

Fred Joyal one of the keynote speakers at ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing for Dentistry!

The excitement is building for the ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing. Fred Joyal's kicking off the program now! The entire conference is being recorded by HDIQ and we'll share information on how to purchase copies later.

We're LIVE at the ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing

We're here LIVE at the ACE Tampa 2011 Conference on Social Media & Marketing.

I'll be posting blog updates live from the Conference with some of the highlights! Check back frequently!

Here's the link to view the photos from the event: