Monday, March 31, 2008

Austin was Awesome!

From Dr. Eli Jackson:
Well guys,(and gals),
I have to chime in here. Since I did not go to the marketing meeting last year I made it a point to attend this year and was NOT disappointed !!  I was overwhelmed; not that that is hard to do....... anyway, we kinda get used to the quality of meetings y'all put on and may even take it a little bit for granted.  So, when I asked the dentist I brought with me, Dr. Andy Burt, what his thoughts were he did not know where to begin.  I think his eyes were opened widely to the 'possibities'out there. He was totally amazed at the quality of the meeting AND of the other Docs there.  I had been bragging on you guys for a few months now and you all totally sold him. Thanks for not letting me down. 
many thanks to  all, I always enjoy meeting the faces behind the emails.....

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