Monday, March 31, 2008

Thanks to ACE for a great meeting!

From Mark Dilatush of New Patients, Inc.:

Suz (thanks for the warm "how ya doin hug!"),

Pete, Mike, Tim and Tom (and anyone else behind the scenes) do a fabulous job.  The facility is great too.  What service huh?  If I have a vote, I'd have it there every time but I will understand if they move it around the country in future years.

I got to sit down with Mike Davis and Mrs. Davis at the barbeque.  He sat right across from me. We chatted about what I "really" think!  LOL.  Can't do that on stage.  I was pleased to meet Gerald in person as well.  I spent LOTS of time with clients outside of the lecture hall going over current projects, results, new projects, strategies going forward.  Man, was that nice.  I bet I saved 10 days of telephone/email time just having clients right there in front of me.  From a sponsor/seminar point of view, we look forward to this meeting more than any other meeting or seminar ALL YEAR.  That's why we bring the all new "stuff" to the ACE marketing meeting(s).  We know we're not talking over your heads.  Can't do that at a dental association meeting.  

So, my hat is off to Pete, Mike, Tim and Tom for finding and encouraging a community of such top notch PEOPLE.  I know you're all dentists but you're all people too. <grin>

Mark Dilatush

Vice President, New Patients Inc.


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